Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word,  so that you may grow in respect to salvation.” – 1 Peter 2:2 NASB

I know today is Resurrection Sunday, and you’re probably hearing those sermons and passages in your own church today, which you should.  Personally, I have not yet studied out those passages, so I’m not going to write about verses I don’t fully understand yet.  Instead,  I’m going to write about something you may have heard in Sunday School growing up. 

I want to ask you a question. “How much do you love your Bible?” This is nothing new to most of you.

Do you love your Bible at all? Or is it in the same level of love as your favorite color? We all have our favorite color. I thoroughly enjoy pink. Weird, I know.  As much as I love pink, I don’t wear it everyday. I have a pink button up shirt I’ll wear maybe one Sunday a month.  I have 3-4 pink ties, or ties with pink in them, but I only wear those to church on Sundays and even then, it’s not every Sunday. 

Is that the same kind of “love” we have for our Bibles? Do we “thoroughly enjoy” our Bibles, but it’s not everyday that we read it and live it. 

The verse I chose today says we need to want our Bibles with the same passion that a baby wants milk. Have you ever seen a baby just getting into the toddler stage? Mommy is holding her child, and the baby grabs at mom. Why does the baby do that? He knows she has milk. It’s the same as a grown kid who has learned his words telling his mom.  “I’m hungry.”

Are we hungry for the word of God? Do we leave our spiritual life starving for food? 

You might say, “Well,  I go to church on Sundays.” As well you should, but is that enough? You don’t feed your child once a week. You don’t feed your dog or cat only once a week. You don’t feed yourself only one meal a week! So why do you do that to your spiritual self? 

Too often, I think we blame it on the lack of a daily reading habit.  I struggle with this too. “I’m trying to build that daily habit of reading a chapter or two every morning.” 

I’ve had conversations over the years with several Christians, young and old.  The thing I’ve found common between most of those who have a daily reading habit. They’re hungry for the word of God. They wake up in the morning with a curiosity of what the next chapter says. “I spent yesterday mulling over and pondering chapter 5 of whatever book I’m reading. What does chapter 6 say?” So they eat chapter 6, and then they spend that day thinking over chapter 6.

Are you hungry for the word of God? Is the Bible your daily food, or just your favorite book?

Categories: Devotionals


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