“They went to Capernaum; and immediately on the Sabbath He (Jesus) entered  the synagogue and began to teach. They were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” — Mark 1:21-22 NASB

Looking out into the world around us, people have many different ideas about what is right and what is wrong. Everyone’s ideas differ from the next person, even if just slightly. So how do we decide what’s right and what’s wrong? There has to be an ultimate and authoritative source to divide between right and wrong and be consistent. Today’s passage gives us that answer. The authority lies in the mouth of God. All of the authority in existence comes from God, and it cannot come from anywhere else.

OK. So the authority comes from God. That doesn’t do us any good. He’s in heaven and we’re on earth. Right? How are we supposed to know what God says? Is it a guessing game?”

“All scripture (our 66 books of the Bible) is given by inspiration of God( literally breathed out and spoken by God), and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly (Thoroughly, completely) furnished unto all good works.” — 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV

We have the written word of God available for us to read. It’s been accurately translated into our English language so that we can both understand and apply the truth of it. But one thing people seem to love to do these days is usurp authority over the words of God. I’m guilty of this myself in times past. We want to be right and it doesn’t matter what anyone else says, even if that someone else is God Himself.

The Apostle Paul warned against this in 1 Corinthians 4:6 “I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor against another.” ESV

“… not to go beyond what is written….” How many people have added to scripture? They put in different bits here and there. They try not to change anything that is written, but they add to it, whether literally or figuratively.  Joseph Smith and the Mormons have done exactly that. Joseph Smith took the King James Bible and added phrases at the end of most verses. In a few instances, he added in several verses and entire paragraphs. With each of his writings and adding to scripture, he really took away from scripture and put himself above God.

The Bible is enough. It is the holy, concise, and complete works and words of God. Everything you need to know on this lies within those 66 books of the Bible. 

Pastor John MacArthur is a graduate of Bob Jones University and the Senior Pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California just outside Los Angeles. Very prestigious and very wise and Godly man, in my opinion. In a public Q&A forum, Pastor MacArthur was asked a legitimate question. “How much authority does a pastor have over his congregants?”

Very honestly and quickly, Pastor MacArthur answered with one word. “None!” He went on to explain what he meant. A pastor gains no authority over anyone just because he’s a pastor. His position gives him no authority, his degrees don’t give him any authority. His titles, if he has any, don’t give him any authority. The only authority a pastor wields is God’s word, but even then, he can’t force a person to listen to it and heed it. 

All a pastor and teacher can do is proclaim the gospel accurately and simply, understanding that the words coming out of his mouth contain no power or authority at all. All the authority in the world comes from the mouth of God Himself, and we have His words recorded for us in our Bible. 

So, are you reading it? Are you searching and studying to find out what God says is right and what is wrong? Or, are you usurping your own authority over God and making up your own rules as you go? You can definitely do both, but you can never do neither. You can read your Bible to see what God says while completely ignoring it and doing your own thing. But no one has ever lived by God’s words without first studying the Bible to find out what those words are saying. If you’re not reading and studying to find out what God has said is right and what God has said is wrong, then you are setting yourself in a personal position of godhood, a place that you have no business being in.

So we need to read our Bibles, study God’s word, and live our lives according to what God has told us.

Categories: Devotionals


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